
McDonald’s Commercial

Inspired by the Michale Jordan vs Larry Bird McDonald’s Commercial from the early 90’s

Types of Camera Shots and Angles

The story behind the video was me trying attempt one of the hardest defensive mechanics in Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.

Product Commercial

I had to film a product of my choosing and create a commercial, I chose an arcade stick that I use to play fighting games on.

Interview Assignment

The concepts was to promote a local business and interview the person who runs it.

The Perfect Project?

How many times have you gotten creative block? The video was aiming to feel relatable to all students of not knowing what to do for an assignment feeling that creative block which we all get at some point.

(enjoy the pop culture references!😉)

80’s Aesthetic | Synthwave | Vaporwave

80’s synth-wave! I have always loved these type of designs and was curious how they worked, with a little a bit of research I found myself creating one (with the assistance of a tutorial!)